Having found values for the pressures and
as a function of the initial conditions
, the problem is completely solved. Indeed, using
the shock adiabatic relation
is known. With this, the
values of
are determined by means of eq.(28.12),
eq.(28.13), eq.(29.9) and eq.(29.10)
respectively. The values for all the pressures and specific
volumes are obtained using eqs.(28.6)-(28.8) and
eqs.(29.4)-(29.6). The velocities of the flow, as
defined in fig.(V.1), are calculated either by mass flux
conservation on crossing a shock, or by the formula for the velocity
discontinuity in eq.(27.6). The hydrodynamical values of the
and density
inside the rarefaction wave come
from eqs.(27.2)-(27.5).
In order to analyse the variations of the hydrodynamical quantities
as a function of position and time, let us now describe the problem
in a system of reference in which the gas far away to the right of
the cloud is always at rest, as illustrated in fig.(V.4).
Let and
be the coordinates of the left and right
tangential discontinuities,
the coordinates
of the reflected and transmitted shocks produced after the first initial
the position of the transmitted shock after
the second initial discontinuity and
the left and
right weak discontinuities which bound the rarefaction wave. The new
velocities are defined by Galilean transformations:
![]() |
The direction of motion of the flow is shown in fig.(V.4)
and it follows from eq.(28.17), eq.(28.20) and
eq.(30.2) that points to the left in this system
of reference. Since, in the same frame,
to the right, continuity across a weak discontinuity demands
to behave in the same way.
The tangential discontinuities and the shocks produced by the initial discontinuities move with constant velocity throughout the gas. This implies that the time at which the first initial discontinuity takes place is:
where represents the initial width of the cloud. Hence,
the positions of all different discontinuities for
and for
eqs.(30.8)-(30.9) are valid together with
The time at which the left tangential discontinuity
collides with the left boundary of the rarefaction wave is given by
, and thus:
Fig.(V.5) shows the variation of the pressure and density as a function of time and position in a system of reference in which the gas far away to the right of the cloud is at rest.
The width of the cloud varies with time, and it follows from eq.(30.9) and eq.(30.13) that this variation is given by:
where is the Heaviside step function. This
linear relation is plotted in fig.(V.6).
Sergio Mendoza Fri Apr 20, 2001