The simplest way to understand the flow of these relativistic jets is to use conservation laws (Blandford, 1990; Begelman et al., 1984). In what follows we will use some of the basic equations derived in Chapter II. This section is included here for consistency with the discussion of jets.
Let us first discuss the case of non-relativistic jet flow, with a
polytropic index
. It is simplest to approximate
the jet as a one dimensional flow of variable cross section area
The rate at which mass is injected into the jet in time
, the
discharge, is
. The flow inside the jet has a
. Using eqs.(10.2)-(10.3) it follows
that the total energy (kinetic and internal) of the flow inside the jet
with respect to time -the power, is given by (Blandford, 1990):
where is the Mach number of the flow. It follows
from the derivation of this relation that the first term inside the
parenthesis on the right hand side of eq.(4.1) is the bulk
kinetic energy transported by the fluid. The second term is the transport
of the enthalpy, that is, the internal energy plus the work
is the volume. If the jet is steady, the thrust,
that is the rate of change of momentum with respect to time, is given
by (Blandford, 1990):
The first term on the right hand side of eq.(4.2) is the rate
of supply of bulk momentum flux and the second term is contributed by
the gas pressure . When the flow is highly supersonic, that is
, it follows from eqs.(4.1)-(4.2) that
the bulk motion dominates. The simplest assumption to make is that
the jet expands adiabatically and that it is stationary. Under these
circumstances, the power and discharge, given by
are constants. The mass density is represented by
. We assume that the jet is in pressure equilibrium
with its surroundings.
Since the discharge is constant and because the gas is by assumption
adiabatic, it follows that
. Thus, the Mach number and the velocity within the jet scale as:
respectively. It follows from eq.(4.3) that
the area, as a function of the pressure for a given luminosity,
passes through a minimum. This minimum occurs when the velocity of
the jet attains the local velocity of sound (Blandford, 1990).
In other words, a jet accelerates to supersonic speeds by passing
through a converging-diverging or De Laval nozzle
(Landau & Lifshitz, 1995; Begelman et al., 1984). It can be shown that in the subsonic portion
of the flow, the pressure and density are approximately constant and so,
according to eq.(4.3), the area decreases inversely proportional
to the velocity:
. In contrast, for the supersonic
regime the velocity is almost constant. Using eq.(4.3),
this implies that the area increases as
Very often (Binney & Tremaine, 1997) the pressure profile in a galaxy scales with
the inverse of the square of the radial coordinate
measured from
the centre of the galaxy, that is
. This implies
that the angle made by the jet width and the axis of the radio source
decreases as
. Thus, we have
just proved that a supersonic jet can be collimated as the pressure
diminishes, regardless of the expansion of its cross sectional area.
The thrust in an adiabatic jet is not constant. It actually diminishes during subsonic propagation and increases in the supersonic regime. This occurs because the surface of the jet is not exactly parallel to the mean flow velocity and an external pressure force acting parallel to the jet changes its momentum (Blandford, 1990; Begelman et al., 1984).
Let us consider now a fully relativistic jet. The assumptions
made are that the fluid inside the jet is an ultra-relativistic plasma
with an equation of state
, where
is the proper internal energy per unit proper volume and
the number of particles per unit proper volume. The relativistic
can be written down directly using the fact that, if
is the energy-momentum tensor and
the speed of light, then
is the
energy flux density vector (see section §8):
where is the standard Lorentz factor. Since the
particle number has to be conserved, it follows from the definition
of the continuity equation, eq.(9.1), that
Substitution of eq.(4.4) into eq.(4.5) implies that:
As in the non-relativistic case, the area is again minimised
at the point where the flow is transonic. The thrust is given by the
space components of the energy-momentum tensor:
The thrust changes in exactly the same way as its non-relativistic counterpart does.
Real astrophysical jets do not satisfy necessarily the assumptions we made above. This is because in a real jet, there will be a velocity shear across the jet and most probably turbulence combined with internal shocks inside the jet will develop. There will also be radiative losses and internal dissipation causing particle acceleration. Not even the mass density flux will be constant along the jet, because it is expected that jets entrain gas from the surrounding environment. Finally, perhaps the most important omission from the considerations discussed above is the fact that jets might well be hydromagnetic (Blandford, 1990). Nonetheless, the whole picture provides a framework for studying more detailed effects of the physics of these sources.
Sergio Mendoza Fri Apr 20, 2001