In order to derive the relativistic equations of motion in
hydrodynamics, let us first construct the energy-momentum 4-tensor
for a fluid in motion on a flat spacetime
(Landau & Lifshitz, 1994a; Landau & Lifshitz, 1995). Latin indices take the values
and Greek indices
. The time
and the speed of
are related to the time coordinate
by the
. The Galilean metric
for a flat space time is given by
. The different components of the symmetric
energy-momentum tensor
are such that the scalar
is the energy density
is the
component of the momentum density
represents the 3-momentum flux density tensor and the component
is the energy flux density vector.
The equations of motion are described by the condition:
Consider an element of area
of a three dimensional closed surface which is
at rest. Integration of eq.(8.1) over the volume enclosed
by this surface gives the change in momentum per unit time -the
momentum flux-:
according to Gauss's theorem. The right hand side of
eq.(8.2) is the amount of momentum flowing out through the
bounding surface in unit time. In other words, the force exerted
on an area element
by the fluid is
. Consider now some
volume element which is at rest in its local proper (or rest) frame.
In this system of reference, Pascal's law applies: ``the pressure
exerted by a given portion of the fluid is the same in all directions and
perpendicular to the surface on which it acts''. Mathematically this
is expressed by the relation
, where
is the pressure
of the fluid. This relation means that
and here
is the unit
4-tensor for which
. On the other hand, in
the local proper system of reference, the component
, where
is the proper internal energy density of the
fluid. To calculate the remaining components note that, since the fluid
is at rest in its local proper frame, the momentum component density
vanishes. Therefore, the energy-momentum tensor has
the form
in the local proper frame. To find out an expression for
in any frame of reference we use the fact that the
fluid 4-velocity
has the values
in the local rest frame. With this and
eq.(8.3) it follows that
is the heat function per unit
volume. Since eq.(8.4) has the same form in any system of
reference, it gives the required expression for the energy-momentum
4-tensor in relativistic fluid mechanics.