Jet-cloud interactions were first invoked to account for the sharp deflections observed in wide-angle tail (WAT) sources (Burns, 1986). Numerical simulations by de Young (1991) using the beam scheme (de Young, 1986; Sanders & Prendergast, 1974) showed that the jet can be considerably decelerated in a collision with the cloud. The cloud appears to be destroyed within a few million years and the jet adjusts itself in order to return to its original direction. The conclusion was that the interaction was not sufficiently long lived to produce a tail. Norman (1993) made a similar analysis using a RIEMANN code. He showed that a De Laval nozzle (see section §4) was formed which efficiently re-accelerated the jet in a different direction with respect to its original trajectory.
These contradictory results were reconciled by the 3D simulations
performed by Higgins et al. (1999) using the Godunov method of
Falle (1991). This reconciliation came about because in their models
it was possible to vary two fundamental parameters: the Mach number
of the jet and the density contrast , defined as the ratio
of the jet density to that of the environment. Higgins et al.
were able to reproduce the structures shown by de Young
using a fast, heavy jet model in their simulations (de Young
used a Mach number
and a density contrast
). On the other hand, for the case of light jets with
low velocities, Higgins et al. reproduced the overall structure
of the deflections shown by Norman (the simulations
performed by Norman were for a jet with Mach number
and a density contrast
Sergio Mendoza Fri Apr 20, 2001