- Newton's Universal constant of Gravitation
- M
- Mach number (classical and relativistic)
- Proper Temperature
- Proper volume per particle
- Volume per unit mass
- Relativistic sound speed
- Newtonian (classical) sound speed
- Speed of light
- Proper internal energy per unit proper volume
- Riemman curvature
- Number of particles per unit proper volume
- Pressure
- Specific entropy
- Relativistic interval
- Four velocity
- Velocity
- Specific enthalpy
- Mach angle
- Lorentz factor
- Polytropic index
- Mass density
- Proper specific entropy
- Proper specific enthalpy
- Specific internal energy
- Latin indices:
- Take values
- Greek indices:
- Take values
Sergio Mendoza Fri Apr 20, 2001